Thursday, May 30, 2013

No Grass in part of back yard=Waste Land

Grass will not grow in part of our back yard.
There is a section of our back yard where we cannot get grass to grow. It is a shaded area and the dog uses it as a run so it gets trampled well. But grass will grow between the flag stones of the walk around the house. Why or how grass can grow between the stones that get so hot you cannot walk on them and get no water I will never know, but it does just fine.
I have tried transplanting the between stone grass in the shaded moist dirt in the back yard but it dies. I tried sodding it once but the sod did not take. Maybe I watered it too much, and the dog liked to drag the pieces around. At least he had fun. Weeds do not like this area either. At least they would be green and would keep some of the dust down. Gravel could be an option but getting it back there and spreading it would be more work than I would want to do.
I guess it will just be my waste land and I should put a mock grave on it with a sign T.S. Elliot.  8-)

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