Friday, January 27, 2012

Spot welding with a 6 volt battery

 A best friend of my brother had an old MG car. Looking back on it now it was a piece of junk, but I thought it was beautiful. Eugene always had to fix and repair something on it. One afternoon the front bumper that had been unattached on one side and was always at an angle to the front of the car fell off.

Eugene said no problem, he would weld it back on, but he needed me and my brother to help. The three of us hopped in the two-seater with the bumper and went to his house. He got 3 six volt batteries out of their barn and three sets of jumper cables and a brazing rod. Eugene disconnected the car battery in his MG. He said he did not want to fry the wiring in the car any more than it already was. (That’s a story in itself ) He used the jumper cables to connect the six volt batteries in series, then attached one of the cables to a metal part of the car for a ground and put the brazing rod in the clamp of the jumper cable. He then had my brother and I hold the bumper in place. He did give us heavy welder’s gloves, but that was only as a second thought. Then he put on a welder’s eye shield and he tack welded the bumper back on the car.

I was totally impressed. I did not think that it would be possible to weld with just batteries. He corrected me and said that what he had done was brazing, not welding, but you could weld the same way. He said brazing was not as strong, and he had the brazing rod.  He said that it was the all the amps the 3 batteries had together that could produce enough heat to do the job. 

About a week later Eugene’s Mom borrowed the MG to make a quick run to the grocery store for something.  When she came home the bumper was in the passenger seat and she told Eugene she did not know what had happened. She said when she got in the car and shut the car door the bumper fell off. She said someone must have hit the car when she was shopping and broke the bumper. She said she would pay to have it put back on.

Eugene told us to keep our mouths shut!  

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