Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cat Box Stench Revenge

Cat Box Stench Revenge
When you have multiple cats the cat box stench can be overwhelming. We have one Big Yellow Cat named Newman that can ruin the air. He also flunked Cat Box! You know when Newman go’s because you have to stop anything you are doing and go cover his dump.

Newman only likes the cat box after it has been scooped or it has not been used much. He makes his deposit on top of the litter and then runs like the wind, away from it leaving it, to fume. 

Lately Newman has started to sleep in the bathtub during the day. I think it is because the tub keeps him cool. It is also easily defensible from the other cats…it has to be a cat thing. If you lift him out to use the tub he is back in before you can turn on the water. He dislikes you using his tub.

I had to use the bathroom and when I went in, King Newman was in the tub. That was fine with me; I was not there to use the tub. 8-) I sat to do my job. My job was at least as bad as his are. He leaped out of the tub, found the door to the bathroom closed and then started yowling and looking for a way out. I could not get up to let him out, so he had to suffer till I was done.

 It was nice to get revenge on the cat. Newman just glared at me. I think he glared at me the rest of the day but I am not sure, it’s hard to tell with Newman. 8-)


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