Thursday, August 29, 2013

He called me the Junk Maker

I like making things and as a kid I was always making something out of the junk I had or found. When MacGyver came out on TV I thought it was great. I brother called me the Junk Maker and a few other not so nice things. But he and his friends would often come to me when they needed something. One of his friends who became a dentist said I was always outside of the normal box looking in. I was not sure what that meant but I liked it. 

I liked that friend of my brothers because he was just a little different also. In Dental School he had to make a set of faults teeth as a project and he made them for his dog. When his dog had them in he had a loony people smile when he looked at you. He had to take his dog in to show how the teeth fit when he turned in the project. Everyone but the instructor thought it was great, but when the dog smiled at the instructor, the dog won him over.

If you own a boat and you are limited by income it really helps if you can fix, repair and make things. I have almost always been limited by income to just go out and buy things. I also have found I can make neat stuff out of what others pitch out. My X was never sure of some of my “Dan Things” even if they worked. She was an “In the box person”.

With boat stuff there is often multiple ways of doing things. I have found that “old classic” ways of doing things on a boat is much better than new modern stuff that comes on boats now. 

Being able to fix or re-engineer something on your boat to take care of a problem or to solve a problem lets you boat on a budget and still use your boat. I like thinking out of the box to do things like that. Hay…the boat still floats or should I say whatever floats my boat. 8-)

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