Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Feather In My Cat

A Feather in my Cat
My wife was given a Red Tail Hawk feather and she brought it home. She put it on her bed side table in the bedroom. I had seen it there but did not think much about it. One of our Arkansas cats also saw it.
She needs to gets up and gets moving before I do. I was awakened by a scream and meowing and growling and the sound of moving and scouring around. What I heard was: “Drop it, Drop it, Ahh…get a way…Ahh…no…no…Stop it!” or similar remarks. I got up to see Grayson, one of the Arkansas cats being chased by 4 other cats and a wife. He was carrying something in his mouth, the other cats wanted it, and Wife was trying to keep the other cats from Grayson and trying and wanting to get what he had from him.
I asked: What was going on? Wife said Grayson has a snake. I now was awake! The cat ran into the bedroom and under a foot stool/seat. Wife followed. Cat growling viciously, Grayson makes a dash, Wife screams and jumps back. Cat retreats back under the stool, and looks out with the hawk feather in his teeth. 8-)
My wife identifies what he has is a feather. Fear changes to being upset. The other cats still want the feather and start to move in toward Grayson. Wife growls and the cats retreat, Grayson looks concerned but still has the feather. Wife grabs the feather from Grayson. The cat runs…
“He chewed up my feather, the little Git!”  I was afraid to move and was trying not to smile. Who needs to have coffee when the morning starts off like this? 8-)
I think I need to get some feathers for the cats to play with.

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