Thursday, June 27, 2013

New Cat=New Peck Order

New Cat=New Peck Order

With the new kitten my wife brought home there has been discourse and a disturbance in the cat peck order of our household. I would not think a new kitten would disrupt the order of things but it has. All the other 8 cats have been confronting each other. I think part of it is to let the new kitten know what the order is.

One cat that has grown bigger since the last reordering is moving up in ranks. Grayson and Monty have been getting in to it. Grayson now outweighs Monty, but Monty is older and is a scrapper. Monty grew up with the dog and the dog comes to his rescue when the two cats get into it. Grayson is not afraid of the dog, but two to one is still two to one.

The Kitten (George) has fallen in with sleeping with the Took. Took is the low cat in the order and is a big afraid-y-cat. None of the other cats give the Took much attention so it is good that the kitten and he get along.

The top end of the order is also in dispute. I think Dr. Watson is still Top cat but he is being challenged by two of the younger cats. Dr. Watson still puts the others in place by just stopping and giving a look, but I think there may be a cat fight down the road.

The 3 Arkansas cats are also trying to adjust the order between the three of them. The 3 of them get into it every day now. It is mostly noise and posturing. The dog runs to break it up before it goes too far. I think the dog is going to get it from the cat’s one of these days when he tries to break it up. 

The two females in the pack have been having Sing Fests. The two of them just sit and meow. No confrontation, they just sit and meow. When you go to see if something is wrong they just look at you. There singing brings me and George running to see what it is all about. I think they are training me.
George has no idea how much unrest he has generated. He just wants to play with everyone.

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