Sunday, December 11, 2011

Three Gift Ideas for Fisherman

Fishermen are easy to get gifts for. There is so much “stuff” to pick from and they are in all price ranges. Three gift ideas that a fisherman can use and that provide safety are a boat compass, a VHF radio and a Fish Finder. Each of these are standalone instruments, or can be used together, all have wide price ranges, and all provide safety to the boater.

A boat compass is almost a necessity. On open water there are no landmarks to tell you where north is. You can get lost when you get caught up in fishing in unfamiliar areas and are not sure which way you came in. A compass can help tell you and you do not have to admit to anyone you were lost.

A VHF radio is also an almost necessity to have. A cell phone is good, but on the water there may not be a cell tower close for a good signal. The VHF radio signals are monitored by the Coast Guard for maydays and cell phones are not. If you have a VHF radio and a GPS and they are interfaced you can have DSC (distress call) functionality. When you give a mayday call the Coast Guard gets your location from the GPS automatically. The radio lets you talk  with draw bridge attendants , other boaters, Coast Guard, and get weather updates just to mention a few.

A Fish Finder is fun and functional instrument. Most fish finders are now multifunctional instruments, not just fish finders. A basic fish finder can help locate fish, show obstacles in the water so you do not run over them, and the bottom depth. Combo GPS / Fish finders will help you find the fish as well as help with navigation. The GPS lets you store good fishing locations in the memory as well as how to get there and back home. 

I like two for items. When something is useful and provides safety, it should get a 3 star rating. The compass, the VHF radio, and a Fish Finder are all three star items.      

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