Friday, November 16, 2012

Boating with style

I came across this image when I was doing the blog about what I called the steam punk fan. Steam punk is Victorian era Science fiction fantasy ideas. When I saw this image I could picture my wife and I crewing a boat/air ship like this. 

I have always liked the looks of the formal style dress of the Victorian era, but I know it is not practical, and it would be highly uncomfortable here in South Florida. Any one that knows me knows I am most comfortable in, and almost always wear outfits that probably should have gone to the rag box. I just wear stuff I cannot ruin. If I wear something nice I forget to change when I get involved and trash the outfit. BUT it is nice to look nice, and the Victorians did it in style.  

When you sail, you need to do it in style. My Dad always dressed neatly when he took out his sailboat and he wanted us to be the same on his boat. He would say that a sailboat is the dignified way to be on the water. One of his rules on his boat was that you did not wave at other boats first. You could wave back but they had to wave first.

Dad and Dr. McCleeland, his best friend, both would sail their boats in proper Bristol fashion. It was rather stylish to see them on the water with both boats tracking along together. When they would come in to the dock they would set their boats ship shape, then like two yacht’s men of like mind would have a cool libation together. We kids though it was funny but at the same time neat.

That routine did make an impression on me. I am not into a set routine like that but I do like to have my boat look nice on the water and I am starting to favor some of their ways. I find I am putting a nice shirt on when I go sailing so for anyone that sees me on my boat I look nice. 8-)  

I think I will try to become less rag box style and more Victorian style in my dress. That should mess with the minds of all my friends. They will wonder what is up with me and I will just give them a devil take care smile.  8-)

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