Thursday, August 16, 2012

I like a Phone with a Cord.

I like a Phone with a Cord.

A cell phone or a cordless phone has one big problem. I can set it down and cannot find it. I have the same problem with the TV remotes, so It must be me not the phones and remotes 8-). 

I made a call today and after I left a message, I set the phone down next to me, not putting it back in its charger. I got up to do something else and forgot about the phone. The dog took the place I had been sitting and curled up on the phone.
A few minutes latter I could not find the XHRIT phone. I looked all over, out on the work bench, in the refrigerator, in the bath room, my pockets; it was nowhere to be found.

OK… I would call it from the cell phone to find it. I called, it rang and I could hear it but could not see it. The dog did not move and the answering machine picked up, so the phone stopped ringing. I was about to hang up and  try it again when I heard heavy breathing and stomach sounds on the answering machine message. I played the message again. I was going to play the message again when the dog got up and I saw the phone.
This would not have happened if the phone had a cord on it.

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