Monday, December 24, 2012

Stuffing Box Maintenance

Stuffing Box Maintenance On Your Boat.

Power boats and sail boats that have an inboard engine and a prop-shaft that goes through the hull, has a stuffing box that is supposed to prevent leaks where the shaft goes through the hull. The stuffing box on the boat needs to be maintained and adjusted regularly. It should be part of your regular boat safety check.

Most stuffing boxes have flax packing in them. Over time the flax hardens and requires adjustment and eventually the flax needs to be replaced. A properly adjusted stuffing box should drip several times a minute while you are underway and this lubricates and cool the packing. It should not drip at all when at rest. It is necessary to tighten the stuffing box as the packing wears.

Engine misalignment, worn cutless bearings, or out-of-balance props will cause the stuffing box to leak faster. The small drip from the stuffing box will not or should not overwhelm a bilge pump. 

The job of re-packing a stuffing box is straight forward and can be done while the boat is in the water. It is easier when the boat is pulled out of the water though.

A new alternative to flax packing is Teflon and Gore-Tex packing. These drip less or not at all.
If the boat has not been used for a long time, you need to keep a check on the box and note how much it is dripping. Adjust and re pack as needed. A leaking stuffing box can sink a boat.

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