Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Concrete Beach Ball 8-(

I admit some of my friends are strange.  One I have has a warped idea of what is funny.

Where he found a concrete ball I have no idea, and it is about the size o a beach ball.  Karl painted it like a beach ball and put it in his yard near his mailbox.  It is about 2 or 3 feet from the mailbox and it just begs for some one to kick it back up towards the house.  He keeps the grass around the ball clipped so it looks like the ball is just sitting there.

I have to admit that it is funny to see someone kick it.  There foot just stops and they crumple over. Unique words often come out of there mouth also.

He also has a few drinking cups he has filled with concrete and they are siting around.  The look you get when someone try's to pick them up is also priceless.

As I said, I know a few strange friends.

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