Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blinking Fish Lure

I saw an ad for fish lures that would blink to attract the fish. It was a very good ad, I bought a set.  I was asked by a friend how much fish could I buy at the food store for the same amount of money as the lures cost. I just smiled.

There were 3 lures in the set. I put one on and on the third cast a fish hit the lure and took off. I pulled back and the line snapped. I did get a thrill though. One down, two to go.

I put the second lure on. This lure was one that sank for bottom fish. On the forth cast with the second lure, the lure snagged on something on the bottom. I gently tried pulling it up. A large pine branch slowly surfaced and just before I could reach down and grab the branch the line snapped. It gently sank below the water.

With two lures down and with one  more to go I figured I would try the last one fishing off a nearby bridge. I took my gear, went to the middle of the bridge, got my last blinker out of the package and dropped it into the water before I got it attached to the line. I was blinking upset. My wife was trying not to smile and said sometimes things like that just happen.

That evening when I took the dog out and looked in the water just off the boat, I saw a blinking light.  My blinking lure was doing its thing. My wife thought I had gone crazy. I got a grappling hook anchor and hooked the branch with the anchor and retrieved my lure. As my wife said sometimes things just happen.

I lost the lure the next day in a tree. I think I will stick to some cheap bait for a while.

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