Friday, November 25, 2011

Cat's Revenge

Our very old tom cat has a problem of not being able to use the litter box, he gets bound up. Then he gets mean and nasty to everyone and anything. The vet cringes when we have to take him in. Dr. S. has told us that giving the old cat an enema is more than dangerous.I sure she earns every penny she charges for it. *-)  She put the cat on two meds to help keep him regular. One is a mineral oil stuff you have to squirt down his throat in the morning and at night and the other is a trans-dermal glue like stuff you rub on the inside if his ear where there is no hair. 

Giving them to him is a trip. If he sees you with the stuff you have to chase him down to give them to him. For an old cat he can move and hide like a young cat. My wife has let me be the one to med the cat because I have better luck catching him. 

After medicating the cat, it takes about a half hour before the cat comes out of hiding. He then comes over and wants to be petted and does the cat rubbing thing against you. He seems to be such a good old friendly cat wanting attention. 

What I quickly found out, was when he rubbed his ear against me some of his meds transferred to me. It works better on me to clean me out than it does on the cat. I was slow to figure out what was happening. I just figured it was something I was eating. It is the cat’s perrrfict revenge to me for giving him his meds. It may be the Vets revenge also.

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