Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cell Phone Dead Zone.

I want to get one of the new cell phones that have all those Apps in it but where we live is in a dead zone. Our cheap cell phone gets almost no signal. Anyone that stops over gets almost no signal, no matter what type of phone or what service they are on. Because of that I cannot see getting a better phone if it will not work in the house or office.

We can go outside and walk across the street and there is great signal.  All of the others in our area have great signal, we are the only ones in a dead zone. I can walk down to the dock…great signal. Across the street has great signal and the lots on either side of us has great signal. It is just our lot gets little signal.  The phone company said that we should have a great signal where we are located, and they have no explanation for it.

In some ways it is nice. If I need to give a phone number to someone or a group I do not want to talk to I give them the cell phone number. They call, the call goes to voice mail, and I can screen the call. I just have to go down to the dock to get my voice mail. The phone will ring, you can answer it, but you get about every other word from the other person.

My wife tells me that I would play on one of those new phones if I had one, so I am more productive with the one I have. 8-(   She is right, but her cell phone is still better than mine. The bottom line is mine works fine if I am out and about, and the land line works great for everything I need to do. I just want a fancy phone. I do not need it, I just want it. When the dead zone goes a way, she says I should get one, but till then, I do not need one or the extra expense that would go with it. I know she is right, BUT! 

So my Christmas wish is for no dead zone for our cell phone.

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