Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bigest fear is…

Bigest fear is…

I was asked what my biggest fear was the other day and I responded that the thing that bothered me the most was headaches. I have had bad headaches all my life. Some have lasted for days and most H.A. Meds are useless in stopping them. 

Back in grade school I would have sudden onset headaches would come on about midday and go away late in the afternoon after throwing up. I would look forward to throwing up so I would feel relief. These did not happen often and my teachers figured I had a problem with something I ate.

In junior high one year I was put in a home room with a real witch of a teacher heading it. One week I had 3 bad headaches, 3 days in a row and on the third day the headache got so bad I ask if I could go home.

Mrs. Grant (the witch) pulled me to the front of the class and was telling me in a loud voice, my actions were not acceptable to her and they must stop. I had a wave of nausea as she was talking to me. I started to look around for a waste basket to throw up in. This upset her and came over to me, grabbed my chin, leaned in to my face, and through clinched teeth said loudly “You look at me when I talk to you!”

She just had gotten the statement out when I threw up in her face and in her blouse. She let go of me and I grabbed the waste basket to finish throwing up. She was furious and puke covered. My parents were called, I was sent to the office and I knew I was going to be killed. 

As it came out, the other students in the class told that I could not help it and I had been looking for the waste basket to throw up in. She had just gotten in the way. I was somewhat a hero for throwing up on the witch. It was the best headache I have ever had.

When I went to collage I would get headaches that would last weeks at a time. Most of the time they would just be dull headaches, and I could work through them. If I was doing something I did not think about it and could get things done. When I stopped doing things I would feel the dull pain. At end term test time J would get head bangers that were severe and would last for a week.

When I was in the Army a Army doctor gave me a script for a med that would turn off the headaches in a flash, but it also made me useless to do anything for a day. I could have gotten hooked on these easy.

Over the years I have been given a number of meds for the real bad headaches. The ones that work well also put me out for a number of hours and a doctor will give them. If I notice a headache starting and take over the counter HA meds and stop what I am doing for about a ½ hour they do not billed up to a big one. I do fear the big ones that I just have to ride out. They take a day to get over after the pain goes away.

As I have gotten older the headaches have lessened a little in frequency but when one comes one I still have a fear it could build into a bad one.

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