Monday, July 29, 2013

Caught A Plastic Bag On The Outboard Motor Prop 8-(

Caught a plastic bag on the outboard motor prop 8-(

Mondays can often be a bad day. Monday comes only once a week and you just have to deal with it. Right? I got up and going and cut the grass at our duplex and did some yard maintenance. That job I wanted to get out of the way before it got to hot or rained. It took about 3 hours and as a reward I stopped at the Bass Pro shop to check out what I might need. 8-) I got out of there for less than $20 so I lucked out on that one.

I picked up a umbrella rig that was on sale and wanted to try it out. I put lures on the rig and got it ready, got the boat ready and headed out.

I got less than 10’ from the dock and the motor that I had just gotten back from getting serviced made a flapping sound and died. I took it out of gear, it restarted but as soon as I put it in gear it made the flapping sound and died. I tilted up the motor and found a large plastic trash bag wrapped around the prop. I paddled back to the dock and spent 10 minutes getting the slimy plastic bag off the prop. 

I got away from the dock smartly and headed to an oxbow near our house to try the rig. The rig worked well. I caught a nice large branch on the bottom on my first try. Getting 5 hooks out of the branch was great fun.

The wind picked up while I was un-hooking the branch and I could hear thunder in the distance so I thought it best to head back to the dock. I got back just as it was lightly sprinkling. I was able to get everything put away before any real rain started. 

I will try the umbrella rig out on a better day and maybe even catch a fish with it. 8-) 

When I go out in the boat I often come back with a bag of trash I pick up. There are a lot of plastic bottles, cups and food containers, bottles and cans and trash that has been pitched overboard just floating down river. I may not be able to come home with fish, but I can always come back with trash. At least the outing is not a total loss. *-)

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