Friday, July 12, 2013

Fishing Reel Types

Fishing Reels

Back in the olden days when I was a kid, we used a cane pole with no reel. My dad had a neat fiberglass pole and it had reel with a crank on it and a guy down the street who all us kids in the area thought was a real fisherman had a fly rod and reel.

As I got older, I got a fiberglass pole with a reel like my dad’s. He said the type of reel was good for line fishing over the side of a boat or for trolling. I tried casting with it but go bad back lash on the reel. It only took a few tries to know I could not cast with it. I guess that is why it was called a trolling reel. 8-) I did not know there were different types of rods and reels.

After Dad got a cottage on a lake and a boat he got a rod with a casting reel on it. I loved it…it was easy to use. There was a button you pushed down, flipped the rod and released the button. That was back in the 60’s. It was what was called a spin casting reel and it is great for beginners and is inexpensive. 

Over the years we invested in some rental property that was on the river. It seemed every time someone moved out they left fishing stuff behind. None of the stuff left was hi end and there were some neat rods and reels.

Spin casting reels are still available and you can get one for less than $20.00. They are simple to use, they cast well, and are great for a beginner. They are good for light line and the drag systems are often not very good.

The next step up is spinning gear. These reels are open face reels with a bail and will cast light line and lures. When you flip the bail over the line will come off the spool in loose coils, so the rod you use has to have large guides to reduce friction. It takes some practice to get to use this set up well.

Flyfishing gear is a rod and reel set up that is designed to cast heavy fly line which propels a nearly weightless fly. This is a skill that you learn with a lot of practice.

Trolling outfits like what my dad had is a reel that can use heavy line, has a good drag system and most have a guide that that neatly puts the line on the reel. They are not for casting a line.

Baitcasting gear is a reel and pole set up that has a reel sort of like a trolling reel but it lets you cast with it. By adjusting the drag and thumbing the spool you can prevent backlash when you cast with it. It is heavier duty than spinning gear, but not as heavy as a trolling rig.

Fishing reels can be cheap or very expensive. If you do a lot of fishing get a good one. If you do not, try a cheap one. Both will catch fish. If the thing is going to be stored most of the time, spend the money on something you will us a lot.  8-)

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