Monday, April 2, 2012


Here are a few fast fixes to ease the pain of an ear-ache. 

Dr. John Hardick M.D. of Allentown, Pennsylvania suggests:

Ear-aches from ear infections can cause intense pain. To relieve the pain before you get to the doctor, try over the counter painkillers like Tylenol. Follow the directions on the bottle.

Warm the ear slowly with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Heating a painful outer ear, increases the blood flow to the area and provides pain relief. Even if the pain goes away you should still see a doctor.
If you have pierced ears, redness and swelling are a sign of an infection and should not be ignored. 

Remove the ear rings. An infection in the cartilaginous part of the ear can end you up in the hospital. It requires immediate medical attention.

Painful and sore ears are often resulting from cheap ear ring post. Chrome and nickel posts can cause contact dermatitis. Ear ring posts should be at least 14 karat gold to prevent this problem.

Swimmer’s Ear is accompanied by pain and itching. Swimming, showering, and profuse sweating can lead to swimmers ear. Keep the ears as dry as possible, and keep out of the water. 

Dr. Barry Hirsch M.D. of the Ear and Eye Hospital of Pittsburgh suggests making a mix of equal parts white vinegar and water and putting 3 or 4 drops in the ear. Most find it soothing. You can also use plain rubbing alcohol, but this may sting. 

To prevent the problem, ear plugs, ear putty, or petroleum jelly coated cotton balls are suggested.
Ear wax: In most cases should be left alone. When it accumulates to ear-clogging levels, do not try to dig it out. A few drops of mineral oil in your ears twice a day for a few days will soften the mass and then it should then fall out on its own. Mineral oil is not as caustic as most over the counter ear drops that remove wax and it works gently in a few days.

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