Saturday, April 21, 2012

Fishing Reel Backlash

Reel backlash can be country boy ugly

I have a big problem with backlash on my reels some days. My wife knows she needs to stay quiet and away from me at the other end of the boat when backlash strikes. My wife seems to have little problem with it and that drives me crazy when it happens to me and not her. 8-)

There are a few things I need to remember that can help prevent backlash.  First, if there is a wind I try not to have to cast in to the wind. I cast, the lure goes out and the wind slows it down and the reel spins fee and Gosh Darn I have backlash. I do not seem to ever find the right spool tension setting to prevent the spool from spinning to freely or preventing a nice long cast because the tension is too high. I have also found that if I use a sidearm or low trajectory cast I get less backlash.

The best preventative for me is to tighten the tension down on spool and use a heavier lure with a side arm cast. Since we often fish off our sailboat that means I can only fish from the bow or from the starboard side easily.
But when you do get a back lash that looks like a something a bird would like to nest in, open the bail and let all the line out in the water off the end of the boat and troll slowly away. Then reel it in with just the water resistance on the line and this should get rid of the loops.

PS. Keep the line out of the trolling motor prop.  (Not that I have done that neat trick more than once or maybe 3 or more times.) This can be real ugly. If you do… it is time to replace the line on your reel anyway.

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