Friday, April 27, 2012

Headache Remedies

Try These Headache Remedies

I wish I was one of the 10% of the people that do not get headaches. I am not, and I have had bad headaches all my life. Remedies for headaches are very individualistic and what works for one person may not work for another.  

The two most common types of headaches are vascular and tension. The doctors say that tension headaches are the most common. A hot water bottle or heating pad applied at the first sign of a headache can help tightened muscles relax. Tight neck muscles and forehead relax with the heat.
Yoga exercises that help stretch and relax your neck and shoulder muscles often helps prevent tension type headaches.

Over the counter analgesics work for some people, like aspirin, ibuprofen, acetaminophen and caffeine can all help.

Vascular headaches like migraines and some types of cluster headaches respond to ice packs or cold packs. The cold works by constricting swollen blood vessels. Swollen arteries in the head cause the headache.
Heat to your hands and feet can pull blood to these areas and often reduces the headache.
I use a combination of these when I get a bad headache. If I try some of these things at the first hint of a headache it will stop a full blown, dark room, no sound head cruncher where I have to totally shut down and shut the world out. 

If you fill an old cotton sock with dry whole rice and microwave it for about 30 seconds, you can have a great heat pack. It is fast, cheap, simple and reusable. It can easily mold to where you want the heat. (Use a clean sock…8-) for best results.)  

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